home story: smith dorris
big boy room

tell us about…
kd weave goods chosen:
Kimberly: when I asked him this he started naming off all the recent crafts we have made together, which, I love that perspective he has on what I do. Smith gets the special privilege of getting some custom kd weave creations- like an indigo blanket (woven by me) with his initials, a punch needle Alabama A pillow I made with my husband David for him right before he was born, & an endless supply of hand towels for whatever we might need them for- messes, bath time, or right by his bed in case there is a spill.
this space:
my big boy bedroom
“Houston, Smithie’s house, big Smithie’s room”
“I like Fudgie & Monkey & Truffles the piggie pig are here.”
my favorite part is the legos: “the legos we made are what I love”
Kimberly: we just moved Smith out of his baby room to make room for his Brother who is arriving in less than 6 weeks. On top of potty training, moving him to a new space (our old guest room), out of a crib, & becoming a big brother- we are so proud of how he’s handling all the changes!
what story do you want your home to tell?
“I play in it, knock things down, I like to knock things down.”
Ophelia enjoying the new digs!
Wild as You by Cody Johnson
Kimberly: he’s not kidding- my top Spotify 2023 song
the one that keeps bugs away from our garden I planted with Daddy
go to recipe:
Kimberly: who knew??
“I like to eat outside”
gift to give:
stomp rockets to my friends
walkie talkies
Chicken-Fay (Chic Fil A) chicken nuggets & french fries
Kimberly: his favorite way to bamboozle me is to stop here on our way home from the studio for a nap when he knows I haven’t gotten groceries for the week yet.
“I would like to go to the football game. I like Dak the Prescott.”
Kimberly: go Cowboys!